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Dec 12, 20195 min read
Explore Rome in 3 days
I know what you're thinking. Rome in 3 days?! Dare I say, we actually explored Rome in 2.5 days. We did and you can too! Here's my tips...
May 20, 20193 min read
The most diverse city: Berlin
This was one of the toughest trips we have been on. Not only has it been a crazy work season but we moved homes, moved work office...
Nov 5, 20183 min read
Cruis'n 101
This August we celebrated our 10 year annivesary and unlike our typical travel adventures we decided to things a bit different. For the...
Jul 24, 20183 min read
Vancouer weekend getaway
We longed for an international getaway for the July 4th weekend, and yet for one reason or another we couldn't decide where we wanted to...
Mar 12, 20184 min read
Winter holidays in Prague, Vienna, and Budapest
Everyone, me included, is anxious and ready for summer. Seriously, enough with the cold, snow, and hail. But if you're like me, you're...
Mar 1, 20188 min read
Best way to spend three weeks in New Zealand
We've traveled the world and New Zealand still holds a special place in our hearts. The people, the history, the country, and the sights...
Feb 19, 20182 min read
Best places to eat in Austin in just three days
You don't need more than three days in Austin. Seriously, you don't and you can still have an amazing food experience. Trip Advisor and...
Feb 12, 20182 min read
A foodie weekend in Portland
My best friend and her family live in Portland and it's always a great excuse to head down for the weekend. In three hours time, it's a...
Feb 10, 20182 min read
Mexico City is always a good idea
If Rio de Janeiro and Paris had a baby, it would be Mexico City. Like Brazil, this city is full of vibrant colors, music, and food. And...
Feb 1, 20183 min read
Visit Amsterdam in three days
What do you do with a long holiday weekend and a need for an overseas trip to maintain your airline status? Book a three day getaway to...
Jan 25, 20182 min read
Splurge vs Save: Tour Champagne Region on a budget
We spent one week in Reims and Epernay, drinking our way through the famous champagne region. Here's the tours we suggest you splurge on...
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